Long Term Capital Management (“LTCM”) was a fund set up by the superstars of finance including the rainmakers from Salomon Brothers (then the premier Wall Street trading firm) as well as stars from academia including Robert Merton and Myron Scholes. LTCM was considered absolutely foolproof by investors, Wall Street counterparties as well as the fund managers themselves.
When Genius Failed
is broken into two sections: The Rise of Long Term Capital Management and The
Fall of Long Term Capital Management which provies an in depth look at the
founding, funding, operating and eventually the fall of LTCM. The book provides a spectacular amount of
detail on a range of topics including:
The rise of John Merriwether (who famously
challenged John Gutfreund to a single hand of Liar’s Poker for $10m as
described in Michael Lewis’ Liar’s Poker) and the unlikely team of academics
that he hired into Salomon Brothers’ trading floor
What a hedge fund is and the prevalence of these
at the time LTCM was formed (though the book does not spend too long on
pointless filler unlike Liar’s Poker)
A basic overview of LTCM’s arbitrage strategies
as well as the theoretical basis behind these.
One of the great revelations of the book was how these brilliant minds,
who must have known the shortcomings of their models and theories, were lulled
into a false sense of security that their models could never fail
The inherent secretiveness of LTCM and their
ability to play the investment banks off against each other in order to get
better terms
The greed shown by the managers of the fund
which eventually contributed to their own personal downfall and bankruptcy
LTCM’s move away from convergence strategies
into much more risky areas including merger arbitrage which was well outside
the managers experience
The collapse of Russia and the total
dislodgement of the market for risk including the flight to risk in the market
which was catastrophic for LTCM
The attempts to re-capitalise and save LTCM and
the eventual deal that was pieced together by the banks in order to save the
financial system
While this book is not written for
beginners, it is a good primer on the hedge fund industry and basic arbitrage strategies. It is also a great read for those seeking the story behind one of the biggest hedge fund collapses in history and those looking to apply the lessons learned from the LTCM collapse to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
beginners, it is a good primer on the hedge fund industry and basic arbitrage strategies. It is also a great read for those seeking the story behind one of the biggest hedge fund collapses in history and those looking to apply the lessons learned from the LTCM collapse to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
Genius Failed does brilliantly what so many other books fail to do. It provides enough information and background
information to ensure that the reader has all the necessary facts and knowledge
to appreciate the complexities involved in the situations described though does
not provide so much information that the book starts to drag
The reader is treated to an inside view of the
mentality of both the managers and staffers at LTCM as well as players at the
banks that got burned by LTCM
The second half of the book dragged
significantly more than the first half.
I don’t view this as detracting too much from the book however as the
authors provide a detailed description of all the events that combined to tear
LTCM apart
This book should be mandatory reading for all
those who invest money (especially for those who do it on behalf of
others). It highlights the risks of
leverage and also the risks associated with ‘black swan’ events.
It is surprising that with the LTCM message already
available before the GFC, that companies, funds and investors continued to be
so highly leveraged and invested in areas in which they had no significant
This book is written for those who already have
an understanding of finance and financial markets. The strategies and concepts in the book are
relatively advanced (though those with a rudimentary knowledge of shares, bonds
and other derivatives should have no trouble)
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