Monday, 21 September 2015

What blogs do I read?

Today I thought I would share with you the types of places where I get my information from.  We all read different blogs, columns and digest information differently.  We have all stumbled across great blogs while googling for something entirely different.

Today I'm going to share with you some of the awesome things that I have found on the world wide web.

Personal finance blogs I follow

There are a few personal finance blogs that I follow out of sheer curiosity about what these people are doing and how they are doing it.  I don't normally follow them to 'learn' anything but it is amazing the types of things that you can pick up and the ideas you can get from seeing what other people do.

Blogs I regularly check are:
  1. Asset Grinder
  2. 2million blog
  3. When I am looking to see what several people are doing and their progress I check this list

Investing in shares: what do I read?

I confess that when I invest in shares I rarely use blogs.  I work in the finance industry and have access to information that most people don't so tend to use that information first.  That being said there are a few things that I read reasonably consistently:

Property Investing...where do I pick up my information?

I do not keep on top of the property investing world as much as I should.  My investment property has been very much a set and forget type investment however every so often I look up advice.  When I do there is only one real place I go to.  Note that this is an Australian specific investment forum but the advice from other landlords is great.
  1. Somersoft Forums

Blogs I read about blogging

I love blogging. I never thought of myself as a writer but after more than 4 years of writing this blog for little compensation I realised that it is something I really like to do.  However I'm not very good at it...especially around things such as monetisation, search engine optimisation and marketing.  As a result I need to research it quite a lot.  

Some of the sources I use include:

How do I have time to read all of this information?

The blogs I listed above are ones I use on a regular basis.  I will read some of them daily and others weekly.  So how do I have time to keep up with all of them?  

The simple answer is that I try and minimise my wasted time.  If I'm on the train I will read a blog.  While walking to and from the station or washing the car or cleaning the house I'll be listening to a podcast.  

I still make time for entertainment but I try and avoid those time sucks (Facebook I'm looking at you!) where I used to seem to lose hours!

Do you have any reading sources you can recommend for me?  Is there anything you particularly like or follow?

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