Friday, 4 September 2015

Up, Up and Away

So I finally did it!  I finally got married (after posting about it for literally years) and I just wanted to let all of you know and thank the significant number of readers who contacted me to give me friendly advice about the whole process and who also emailed to wish me well.  It really meant a lot.

Today I'm off on my honeymoon which will encompass 5 countries in Europe over 5 weeks .  I've never been to Europe so I'm SUPER pumped for this.

Why haven't I been posting as often?

For regular readers you may wonder why I have not been posting frequently and basically it came back to something that I mentioned in my 2015 Annual Review.  I have a ton of posts that I could write about and indeed I actually have about 10 posts sitting in my drafts ready to go...but I have been thinking of re focussing this blog into something else.

I'm not 100% sure where I'm going to end up but it will almost certainly be blogging and definitely blogging about finance!  I'm just trying to work out what I can write about that will make a difference to other people's lives.

Hopefully a completely break over a month in Europe will help me clarify exactly what I will be doing in the future...but until then thanks once again for all the support and hopefully I'll get to tell you all about the trip when I get back!

1 comment:

  1. Have an awesome trip 90M know you guys will have a great time! :)
    Looking forward to the seeing the new direction once you're back

