Monday, 21 April 2014

Finance Books: Reviewed and Ranked

Recently I have started to rearrange this blog to make it more reader friendly.  I realised that I have close to 500 published posts and even within sub categories such as Investment Banking and Net Worth Posts it is getting pretty hard to navigate.  As such I have been looking for ways to make this blog more accessible.

My first real attempt at a blog was a (now defunct) finance book review blog.  I imported most of those posts over to this blog a few years ago and I have been slowly building on it as time has gone one. I have added a Suggested Reading page (which is accessible through the top navigation bar) to make it easy to find out the books I recommend as well as the books I don't.  I have linked to all the previous reviews I have done to make it easier to navigate through my reviews.

I have recently have had time to read a few
more finance books which were recommended to me.  Some I loved and some I hated and the reviews of these will be posted shortly.  I hope you enjoy the new page and happy reading.

If you have any other suggestions about how I can improve the blog or make it more accessible I would love to hear any suggestions.

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Suggested Reading
Book review: The little book that still beats the market
Book review: The intelligent investor
Before you buy with Amazon...check out these two sites

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on getting close to 500, I've included you in this weeks my career circle as well :).. Keep up the great work 90 Mill
