Friday, 5 July 2013

90Million Blog's 2 year anniversary!

Earlier in the week I realised that this blog has been up and running for 2 years now which has amazed and surprised me.  This blog has morphed from one which I posted in occasionally and was really a way of holding myself to account for my financial performance to one where I try and comment on those things which I am constantly learning on my wealth journey.

I wanted to say a big thank you to all the readers, commentors and those who send me emails with suggestions, ideas and questions.  It has been great to communicate with others on their wealth journey!  The number of people visiting the site has grown exponentially and I hope that I am providing some value and perhaps a little bit of light entertainment and procrastination for my readers.

In the coming year I am hoping to:

  • Get guest posters on this blog:  There are some topics which I am genuinely interested in but know very little about and I would love to get some guest posters who have much more experience than me in the financial world to share some of their advice
  • Re-design the blog:  I honestly did not think about the layout and design of this blog too much when I first started it as I never thought it would get to the stage which it has.  I'm hoping to make it more streamlined and easier to navigate
  • Introduce a section on excel modelling:  I was originally going to set up another blog and website dedicated to excel modelling however I think I may try and introduce it as a section for this blog
Last year I tried to increase my frequency of posting to twice a day and I managed to maintain this for a few months however I found that I could not do this when it got busy at work so I am dedicated to posting at least once each work day which I hope to continue in the coming year.

If you have any tips on how I could make the blog better or what I could improve please let me know.  If I can I will try and incorporate it in the future.

You May Also Be Interested In:
Net Worth: 2013 Financial Performance Summary
90Million Blog's 1 year anniversary
2013 Financial Goals
The beginning (my first post)


  1. Congratulations on reaching the 2 year mark, what are your thoughts on progressing further? Are you still enjoying it & where would you seek to have guest bloggers from?? Recently I've been reading Mr Money Mustache a blog that has a rather large following (one of those early retirement bloggers) may be worth a look..

    A few topics that would be great to see discussed could be:

    * Margin loans vs line of credit (from equity) what are your thoughts on the pros and cons

    * Financial advice & accountants, are they necessary? How do you find and build a long lasting relationship with a decent one?

    * SMSF's, are they the future of super?

    * Career progression i.e. the importance of networking (I know you have the investment banker ones) do you have any general tips

    This is probably about it for me from now, keep up the great work!!!

    1. Hi JM,

      Thanks for the comments as well as the reading suggestion - I had a look at the site and it's pretty interesting.

      Those are all great post topics which I'll try and cover them all shortly.

      I've never had a guest blogger so am pretty new at this whole thing. I'm happy to have links back to their blog from their post. If you or anyone else is interested in writing one please shoot me an email.
