I'm incredibly proud to announce that 90 Million Blog just turned 3 years old!
When I started writing the blog 3 years ago I could not have imagined what it would become (or that it would last so long). It has not been smooth sailing the whole way but this blog is an incredibly important part of who I am now and I hope to keep it going for as long as I can.
I wanted to thank everyone who has contributed to this blog...
There are so many people that contribute to this blog in various ways and I wanted to thank all of them including:
- The regular readers and those who leave comments on the blog
- When I originally started writing this blog I didn't think anyone would ever read it
- What I found though is that there is a great community of people out there who are passionate about creating wealth, improving their life and their financial situation
- I just wanted to thank those who continue to read and participate in the blog
- Those who gave me advice and constructive criticism
- Although I wish I was perfect at this whole blogging and wealth thing it is more than clear to me that I am not
- I really want to thank those who have taken the time to give me advice and also to offer criticism where it is warranted.
- My friends who encourage me to continue writing the blog
- I have told very few people about this blog for reasons I have talked about before but there is a small group of friends (including my girlfriend) who know about the blog
- They have all been incredibly supportive and encourage me to keep writing
The blog didn't exactly go in the direction I thought it would this year...
When I wrote this post last year I outlined by goals for the year. They included:
- Getting guest posters for the blog
- Redesigning the blog
- Introducing a section on excel modelling
It's not that I didn't get around to a lot of this. In fact I have 15 posts written in draft format on excel modelling, I was talking to others about guest posting and I did buy another another name for the blog and I was going to move to a different format and host.
However first I needed to think about what I wanted this blog to be. It had grown so big and was incredibly unfocused and I was actually losing readers as a result.
I had to sit down and think about what I wanted from this blog. A few months ago I decided that I was going to focus this blog and make it into the following:
"I want 90 Million Blog to be a blog which follows my financial journey and shares what I am learning along the way with others who are on similar journeys of their own"A lot of the topics I have written on in the past have not conformed to this purpose and I have decided to stop writing on them or to hive them off into a separate blog.
I have used what I have learned to set my goals for the coming year...
Having learned and refocused I have decided that my goals for this blog over the coming year are to:
- Build relationships with other personal finance bloggers: I confess that I'm not the best at building online relationships. I'll read 101 blogs but will not comment on any of them. I want to start building relationships with those people that I can learn from and hopefully drive some more traffic to the blog
- Build my email subscriber base: I currently have 30 email subscribers and want to triple this over the next year
- Introduce Guest Posting: I wish I hadn't turned down so many offers for guest posting. I am going to open this up again however with clear guidelines
Having focused my content I want the coming year to be about building relationships with my readers and with others in the blogging community.
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