Tuesday, 5 November 2013

October 2013 Expenditure Tracker

This is the third month of my reset expectations and the second month in which my smoothing technique has started to come into effect.  Although I am still spending far too much on my personal expenditures and not saving enough this month did represent an improvement.  I am starting to control and think about my small expenditures better - things that I don't normally think about but which add up.

ItemOct 2013Target (new)Over/(Under)Target (old)Over/(Under)
Share Investments+$1,094+$2,500-$1,406+$2,000-$906
Offset Acct.+$3,050+$2,400+$650+$3,500-$450
Personal expenditure+$4,305+$2,800+$1,505+$2,200+$2,105

As you can see above I performed quite well in my offset account target and my personal over-expenditure almost exactly offset my share under-investment.   The major movements in my 3 accounts are discussed below.  I will discuss my share investments first as it had the most moving parts

  • Share investments
    • Although you can't see it in the numbers above there was a fair amount of movement in my share investment account this month
      • I sold a portion of my holding in FKP because the price was getting a little ahead of itself and I wanted to take some of my gains
      • I kept this cash in my share trading account because (as I will discuss tomorrow) the company decided to do another rights issue almost as soon as I had sold out
    • I continued to invest in my employee share plan
    • I have been holding onto cash that I want to invest in the share market for quite a while however I am assessing my current portfolio before I go out and start looking for new ideas.  I am also uncomfortable at the moment with investing in index funds because the market has run so much
  • Home Loan Offset account
    • I actually didn't save as much as I wanted to from my wage this month due to several factors including
      • An over-expenditure in my personal expenditure account
      • I had run down my transaction account reserves which needed to be topped up
      • I am saving for some big items in the longer term which are going into my 'expenditure smoothing' account
    • However I am still 'in the black' this month because I had some of my deferred cash compensation from last year vest and get deposited into my account
  • Personal expenditure
    • One of the mildly depressing things about this month was that my personal expenditure was significantly above what I wanted and I did not have any major lumpy costs
    • There were a few big items which really contributed to this over-spending in the month (which may recur in coming months including)
      • Saving for some longer term items in my smoothed expenditure accounts - at some point I'll write about what this is - however it is about a $7,000 - $8,000 expenditure which I will be making in about a year
      • I'm going on holiday in a few weeks and I had to pay for accommodation and some flights.  I am reluctant to call these 'one offs' because they do seem to recur rather frequently
On a cumulative basis my (reset) performance is as follows:

ItemAug 13 -Oct 13Target (new)Over/(Under)Jan 13 -Oct 13Target (old)Over/(Under)
Share Investments+$3,282+$7,500-$4,218+$17,281+$20,000-$2,719
Offset Acct.+$5,369+$7,200-$1,831+$11,898+$35,000-$23,102
Personal expenditure+$15,725+$8,400+$7,325+$47,627+$22,000+$25,627

As in previous months I'm still behind on a cumulative basis however my the incremental change (as seen in the first table above) is not as bad.  In November I typically have quite a large improvement in my performance due to the payment of my bonus and the receipt of my tax refund.  Normally this would all go into my offset account however I am going to place some of this into FKP's new rights issue which should balance out my savings.

You May Also Be Interested In
September 2013 Expenditure Tracker
Expenditure Tracker - All Posts
If you find budgeting hard...try expenditure smoothing
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1 comment:

  1. Just never forget to estimate the money for leisure rightfully so you'll have clearer view of your personal expenditure.
    -Australia Business News
