Occasionally I deviate from writing about financial posts. This post will be a tip on how to blog more effectively - for those of you who have just stumbled across this blog I have been posting for over 2 years and have more than 350 posts on a variety of financial topics. I do not do this for a living but I have learned some tricks along the way.
Consistency in posting is crucial
When you blog you are essentially writing for 2 groups of people
Consistency in posting is crucial
When you blog you are essentially writing for 2 groups of people
- Those who are looking for a specific piece of information and come to your blog through search engines or links
- Those who actively follow your blog and who log in every day or few days to see what you have written
You get the former by writing interesting posts which get picked up by others and gets you well ranked on Google and other search engines. You get the latter by having a good bank of posts and by posting consistently so that when readers who like your material come back they have something new to read.
Having something new for your followers to read is crucial. I saw this myself - towards the back end of last year I was really building up my follower base and the number of page views I was getting was increasing exponentially...and then I went on leave where I didn't have wi-fi, broke up with my girlfriend and life went a bit strange there for a while. I ended up not posting much for two months and while my readership kept up for the few weeks, it really started to slide after that.
Worse, when I started to post again in earnest my traffic numbers did not jump back to the levels they were at again. Instead I had to slowly build up my readership (although it did move a little bit quicker this time). This is why I say that consistency in posting is crucial - you don't have to post every day...but your regular followers want you to post consistently.
How to post consistently when you have other things going on in your life
You may think that it is too much of an ask to post that consistently - after all, this is just a hobby of yours and not your full time job. I'm not disagreeing with that at all and there are ways that you can be consistent as well as allow for those things in life which make your blog take a back seat.
- Write some posts in advance
- The easiest thing you can do is