Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Expenditure Tracker - August 2012

ItemAug 2012Target (new)Over/(Under)Target (old)Over/(Under)
Share Investments+$21,125+$3,100+$18,025+$3,300+$17,825
Offset Acct.-$18,675+$1,300-$19,975+$1,600-$20,275
Personal expenditure+$3,231+$2,000+$1,231+$1,500+$1,731

This is the third month of my reset expectations with respect to my savings goals.  In the near term I will continue to show both my old and new targets and how I am performing against each of these.  In August 2012 my expenditure tracking summary looks very strange (and will continue to do so for the next few months).  This is because I am transferring most of the money in my home loan offset account to take advantage of a very attractive share investment opportunity (which I mentioned in my August 2012 net worth tracker post)

Compared to July 2012, I controlled my personal expenditure relatively well but I was still impacted by several a large one off expense related to my car registration.  Excluding this I was still over my target expenditure level but by significantly less (~$700).  My credit card bill for July was very low (which had to be paid in August).  My expenditure in August was higher so this will flow through to the September result.

I did not actually invest month in the stock market over August, however the big increase you can see above was because I transferred funds to my interactive brokers account to take advantage of a corporate action which I believe will give a very good return in the short run.  I am going to be transferring $30,000 more to this account over the next few days to take advantage of this offer so September 2012's result is likely to be even more pronounced.  As a result of this my home loan offset account is likely to decrease even further (I am actually running this account down as low as I can).

In my July 2012 expenditure tracker I mentioned that I would be doing some profit taking in August 2012.  I did do a little though not as much as I had expected.  Also this cash remained within my trading account which I treat as cash in the stock market (even though technically it is not).

The table below outlines my performance on a cumulative basis
.  This once again includes both the pre and post setting of expectations.  As mentioned above my goals are particularly skewed and will continue to be for several months however it should revert back to 'normal' in November 2012 which is just in time for my 1 year assessment of performance in December.

ItemJul 12 - Aug 12Target (new)Over/(Under)Jan 12 - Aug 12Target (old)Over/(Under)
Share Investments+$19,268+$6,200+$16,168+$47,177+$26,400+$20,777
Offset Acct.-$16,524+$2,600-$19,124-$22,519+$12,800-$35,319
Personal expenditure+$7,854+$4,000+$3,854+$30,026+$12,000+$18,026

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