Wednesday, 1 June 2016

May 2016 Net Worth: $773,300 (+2.5%)

I continue to honestly be surprised at how my net worth continues to rise month on month.  My wife and I have been talking about finances a lot this month.  As crazy as it sounds this is the first time in my life I have felt any anxiety about money at all.

Why am I feeling anxiety when I am doing pretty decently for my age (for those of you who don't know I just crossed the big 30 a few months ago)?  Housing is the reason.  My wife and I are saving for a new house and housing in the state I live in is incredibly expensive.  I keep going round and round in my head the different options:

  • Do I sell some investment assets to be able to afford a better home?
  • Do I compromise on where I live to buy something more affordable?
  • Do I buy something more expensive and keep the investment assets but leverage myself more?
  • Do we go for the area we want but perhaps not the house that we want?
  • Can I afford to take extra leverage if I'm the sole bread winner and we have kids?
Obviously in a world with limited resources where I am not a multi-millionaire these are all very real questions and questions that lots of people's just my time to ask and go through these issues.

Why do I raise all of these issues in a post about my net worth?  I haven't been tracking my net worth performance this month all that closely and given the stress I have been feeling with the above questions it was a relief and pleasant surprise to see things continue to go well.

So how did I actually do this month?

My net worth performance breaks down as follows (note that totals may not add exactly as there are formulas which round everything to the nearest $100)

Let's walk through some of the major movements this month...