If you have ever set yourself a budget you will know that things don't always go to plan. Sometimes there are unexpected expenses and sometimes you just spend more than you wanted to on a night out.
If you have budgeted for almost all of your income this means that one of two things will happen in those months where things don't go to plan:
- You will not save as much as you intended to in the month; or
- If things really get out of hand you will need to dip into savings
Don't write off the bad month...
One thing I realised since I started tracking my expenses fairly religiously was that if you 'write off' a month as bad you will never really catch up again. You need that bad month to be made up by a good month later down the track.
Writing off the month mentally makes you reset to zero and you go back to trying to make your budget in following months. I think this is a bad way of approaching it. Bad months need to be compensated for. You need to replace that amount you have taken out of your savings account or actually contribute that amount you didn't contribute in a previous month.
So how do you do this?
What you need is a way of tracking your unexpected withdrawals from savings...
If you have a way of tracking your unexpected withdrawals from savings then you can keep track of how much you 'owe your savings account' on a real time basis. Not only does this motivate you to save more or be more wary of your expenses, it also reminds you that when you are having a good month that you may need to contribute a little bit extra to your savings account.
If you want a way of tracking the deviations from your budget I recommend the following method. I have been using it for a few months and have found it quite effective.
1. Have an excel file which tracks what you do with your money when you get paid. I call mine my 'wage day' file
This is a super simple spreadsheet which every month tracks what you do with your cash. It is not a budget of any sort but it interacts with your budget. For example I get paid monthly so my Wage Day file is updated monthly
Below is an example of a month where your income doesn't quite cover all the expenses and savings plans that you had for the month
Let's work through this tracker:
- Income
- In this (fictitious) example