Have you, after much thought and deliberation, worked out that your girlfriend was the person that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with? Have you then realised that you need to buy a ring and know nothing about it? Well then this guide is for you.
If you're just starting out check out
Part 1 of my How To Buy a Diamond Ring guide. It covered knowing your girlfriend as well as setting your budget and sticking to it. In Part 2 I will be covering the nitty gritty of diamonds and the research you should do
before going to visit any jewellers.
Step 3: Understanding diamonds...what does it all mean?
If you start looking for diamonds you will be confronted with a whole lot of terminology which is a little bit confusing. The most important thing to remember are the 4-C's. These are the four most important parts of a diamond and determines the cost of the diamond. They are Cut, Colour, Clarity and Carat. They are not all created equal so make sure you understand them before you go out ring hunting.
Here is a very brief overview of the 4-C's.
A. Cut
The cut of the diamond is the most important characteristic of the diamond as it determines how brilliant the diamond is (i.e. how much it sparkles).
Note that it can get confusing because the word 'cut' is used in two different contexts. It is used to both describe the shape of the diamond (i.e. round, princess, pear etc) as well as the quality of how the diamond is actually cut. While the shape of the diamond does matter (round diamonds cost far more than the others...because they sparkle more) it is the quality and grading of the cut that is most important.
I could get into details on the cut of the diamond but there are other sites which will provide you far more information on the specifics. Basically, a diamond with a better and higher quality cut will reflect light significantly better and there will be less leakage of light. Once again this comes back to how brilliant the diamond looks when you look at it.
The reason that the cut is the most important factor is that it really does affect how much the diamond sparkles. If you are tossing up between different diamonds and are trying to weigh up what is important you should always go for a better cut because a smaller diamond with a better cut will often look bigger than a larger diamond.
If you can ask for '3 ex' (which stands for excellent-excellent-excellent) when you buy the ring. Try it - compare a '3 ex' cut to another cut and see whether you can tell the difference. I certainly could when I started looking at actual diamonds.
B. Colour
Diamonds come in different colours. The clear ones you are used to seeing on girls hands and on television are actually colourless diamonds. However there are a range of colours from D (colourless) all the way down to Z.
Diamonds in the D - F range are called colourless and are the most highly sought after diamonds. Technically diamonds classed as G not colourless however you would never be able to tell the difference. After G though the difference is quite noticeable so I would avoid anything rated less than G.
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